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May, 2005
Jordan will be 4 in just 5 months, so he'll be starting school in 17 months!! So hard to believe, I know one thing - he'll probably be the biggest boy in his class! Jordan is done speech therapy for the summer and at that time we will re-evaluate his progress. He has the most amazing memory - really he remembers EVERYTHING!! Last month he and Dan were driving through Halifax and when they drove by Citedal Hill at the exact spot we sat for the parade LAST July, Jordan said "Hey that's where we saw the Parade!!!" or after going to his new babysitters house 4 times, he can easily pick out her house.  Last night we were talking and Dan spelled Monster to me and Jordan knew he had spelled Monster!?! Blew us away! He's been able to dial my mothers phone number for well over a year now, plus other stuff that constantly surprises us....he really seems to be "abnormally" gifted with his memory and I wonder if he might have a photographic memory?  or maybe we're just biased?
As I mentioned we started with a new babysitter last month, the kids go to her house and she is WONDERFUL, for the first time I feel completely confident in our babysitter! She's in her late 50's or early 60's and has been babysitting kids in our area for 30 years, her refereces raved about her and Jordan really likes her, plus she has 3-4 other kids so that's great for Jordan and Brooklyn to have some playmates.  Jordan has a best buddy!! - Nicholas, who is 2 months older than Jordan and they will be starting school together! we've been getting the boys together and they get alone great.  Jordan had his ear tubes re-checked and they are still in place and the Dr. says we should get another 6 months out of them, they've already been in over a year so that is great! Hopefully once they are out, he still won't get ear infections.
Jordan has a definate 'quirk'!!!! he DOES NOT like to get dirty!!! whether it's playing in dirt or "messy food" he just doesn't like it and will semi freak if food starts running down his face! Brooklyn on the other hand!! (see her post!) loves to get filthy!!
Jordan attended his first birthday party this weekend, a neighbor's boy turned 3, Jordan enjoyed it very much and I think we'll be attending a birthday party a month for the rest of the summer!!

January 2005 - 3+ years
Have I mentioned that Jordan ADORES Brooklyn?? To watch the two of them together is just the best thing ever Jordan is truly happiest when he is making Brooklyn laugh - or if Brooklyn is being silly Jordan desolves into laughter! Jordan enjoyed Christmas and even got a special note of thanks for the cookies/milk and carrots (for the reindeer) from Santa and even better a message was left on our phone Xmas Eve from Santa (thanks Graeme!) which Jordan listened to a dozen times. Jordan's latest obsessions are a couple of games on the computer 'pinball' and 'polar bowling'
Jodan started speech therapy a few weeks ago and is really enjoying it! His Therapist Mary cannot get over how well behaved he is for a 3 year old! he sat with her for a hour for his evaluation and did everything she asked without losing interest at all. He is extremely cooperative and attentive which you don't always see in a child that age. Mind you he can have his moments at home but who doesn't?
He truly is a genius when it comes to computers!!! I think he studies us when we are on the computer an picks up things, we make sure he's not looking when we type in our password!!!! The other day he was having his computer time, there's a game he likes to play on the internet and he knows right were it is in our favorites so I tried to trick him be moving it - but he found it anyway and clicked and dragged it to were it had been before!! saying "it go here" - genius!!!!
Jordan will only call Brooklyn "Blue Eyes", I don't know how this started but he refuses to call her anything else and tries to correct us when we say her name.
Jordan can now spell his name with no problem and is 100% potty trained!! he doesn't even wear diapers at night and has not had one accident for a while now.
Thankfully except for a couple of his favorite shows his interest in tv has faded and he is really into pretend play! He loves his little farm animal collection and playing with his dinky cars.

November 1st, 2004 - 3 years, 2 months

Jordan LOVED Halloween!  he had a ball and got way too much candy!!!!!! When we were done and on our way home he said "I had a great time".   We are really looking forward to Christmas this year now that he has such fun opening gifts and enjoying holidays it should be fun!  **Halloween pics next update!**
He has just two days left of daycare which makes us sad, daycare turned out to be a wonderful experience and I wish we could continue to keep him in when I go back to work but there's no way we can pay a babysitter full-time and daycare expense on top of that.
Jordan had his ears checked last week, to make sure the drains are still there and working and everything looked great.

Sept 25th, 2004 - 3 YEARS OLD!
Well we had Jordan's 3rd birthday last Sunday, he's growing up so fast it is truly amazing.  Jordan had a BLAST!! this was the first time he's gotten into the whold idea of opening up his gifts and he tore right threw them! We want to thank everyone who came out to celebrate with us!
Potty training has been going awesome! Within a day or two of going to the preschool room at daycare he stopped having accidents in his underwear so I'd say he's 98% potty trained now.  Speaking of which Jordan loves going to the "Big" class at daycare and playing with the kids his age or older and his new teachers are amazed at how well he does on a computer...they've never seen a 3 year old so knowledgeable with one, he's even showed them a few things!!  His new favorite saying now is "What's up with your bad self?"!! it's too cute.

Click here for Jordan's Archived Web Page

August 24th, 2004
Jordan 's is turning 3 in less than a month! We aren't throwing a big party this year but any friends and family that want to come for cake will be more than welcome!! Potty training is going great, easier than I expected actually, he has been going exclusivley in the potty for a month or so as long as he's not wearing a diaper or pants so we're now concentrating on that aspect. His speech is still coming along great and he loves to sing along to our CD's in the car. He is a terrific big brother to Brooklyn - has never shown any signs of jealousy and actually likes it when people pay alot of attention to her.  As he is about ready to move over to the preschool class of his daycare his toddler class teachers tell me he really looks out the the young kids in his classs and almost "mothers" them!! Out in public or when meeting people he will either be "Shy Jordan" or "Jordan the ham"  - one never knows!

June 2004 - 33 months
I can't believe that in 3 more months he will be 3! didn't he just turn 2?????
Jordan is doing awesome, we are getting settled into our new house and Jordan adjusted well to the move, I'm not sure if he'll ever start referring to it as anything but the "new house". Jordan had his hearing retested in April and his hearing was pretty much normal after having the drains put in!  One really nice thing that has happened since we moved is that he is sleeping though the night - he hasn't woken up once since the first night he slept here - he was waking up crying every night for the past 10 months or so, which leads us to believe something at the old house was waking him up? the trains maybe and we didn't hear them? we're not sure but it was definately something. He is still great with Brooklyn and does an amazing impression of her crying! when he says her name it comes out as "Bookbag" (hopefully not a nickname that sticks!) he finally says his own name and his best buddy at daycare is Thomas. We got a new frige with the water and ice dispensor - which he helps himself to, I watch him closely if he takes any ice and I always say "watch the ice honey" when he takes a drink so now everytime I get a drink with ice he says "watch the ice Mama" and I say thank you and he says "OH you welcome Mama" in all seriousness. We went for a walk yesterday and he walked Shiloh on her leash the entire way and was very proud of himself. He has used the potty several times but usually asks for his diaper so we hoped to have his trained by the end of the summer - cross your fingers!

March **, 2004 - 30 months
Jordan's surgery for the ear drains went well and we've noticed a HUGE improvement in his speech since he had them put in.Another thing we noticed was that the trains scare him now if we are out for  a walk he says the "whoo who is wheely woud" and they never bothered him before. He is having his hearing tested April 22nd so we will find out how much better his hearing is.   He can pretty much repeat anything we say now so we have to watch ourselves! 9 times out of 10 he remembers to say "tank coo" and " u malcolm" ( your welcome) and it's hard not to laugh when we say something like "Ok Jordan it's time for bed" and he says "no tank coo mama". His latest big accomplishment is that he can call my mother's house all by himself although lately he doesn't actually want to talk to anyone on the phone. He is still going to daycare twice a week and he loves it once he's there but he has started clinging to me more and crying  a bit when I drop him off, I think the fact that "the baby" gets to stay with me upsets him. Something he just started over easter weekend was calling us Mommy and Daddy instead of Mama and Dada and it's just so cute. Our next goal - potty training..........
to be continued......

February 22, 2004 - 29months
Jordan is doing great - and really talking up a storm lately, sometimes he is so darn smart and the things he knows amaze us! He can now count to 10 pretty good, he can pick out the colors: blue, pink, red and yellow and can pick out several letters when placed in front of him.  He still loves Brooklyn to death - when she wakes up from her nap he says "Baby no more nap Mama" and won't stop until  I've picked her up. He's now had several overnight stays with my Mother and he loves it - and he LOVEs "Nana Ball" (Pool) we think he's going to be a pool shark! all balls are now called "my eight ball!" Several weeks ago he asked me "Where Ho Ho?" and I said that he's in the North Pole so now if you ask him where Ho Ho is he says "Ho Ho up the Pole!" ~too funny!
We recently had his hearing testing at the NS Speech and Hearing Clinic as recommened by the ENT Specialist he saw about his ears (he still has fluid in them from the ear infections he had over the summer and early fall) and they determined that he does have 'mild hearing loss' we don't know the extent and how much it is affecting his speech but we have scheduled him to have ear drains put in on March 10th, so hopefully his hearing will go back to normal - even though it's a minor surgery I know we will both be nervous wrecks.